Every movie is written by someone, who are professionally called screenwriters. There are different styles of plotting movies, that's what shows how interesting a movie could be. Like I said in my previous article, anyone can dive into writing. No one needs a degree to write. Writing entails expression of thought, which brings about freedom. Basic knowledge and principle has to be known in screenwriting. You watch movies and never had a thought of how the screenwriters exhibit such style of writing. To begin a screenwriting, the first thing to think of is the character and his/her action. A movie always starts with an action taken. As a screenwriter there are four questions to ask yourself when creating a great dynamic character.
What does the character want: the first fundamental question you have to answer when creating a good character. A character that needs something is fate. A character that wants something is will.
What's the character weakness: Many writers give their character traits that make them honorable, virtuous, and in many cases invulnerable. For example; Superman isn't an interesting character because he's invulnerable, Superman's an interesting character because he's vulnerable to kryptonite.
Where the character comes from: there's both a literal answer for this and a deeper, more emotional answer. First the literal. What is the character biographical information? What city, state, town or country he/she comes from? Did he/she grow up as a kid on the streets of New York or were they born and raised in a farm in Indiana?
Understanding the character's biographical information helps inform the audience understand what a character wants.
What can the character exhibit to surprise the audience: this is basically where the movie ends.
Thanks to Alice adams, an American short story writer and novelist. She initiated the five act structure " A B D C E". Each alphabet has their meaning in either writing a play or novel.
A stands for action. Action is what draws the audience in. It's something specific and concrete. Lots of movies open up with a character thinking about something or doing something passive. That's not an action, an action is something physical that involves a character doing something.
B stands for background. Background is essentially context, or what was happening to these characters before the movie started. This is the part of the movie where we get essential and virtual information that will help the audience determine the character actions as we go through the movie.
D stands for development. This is where the plot of the movie happens because it's in this area where your characters deal with the rising actions. It is up to the character to develop his/herself and the responses in either succeeding or failing to overcome the obstacles in their path.
C stands for climax. Climax is where the biggest rising action happens in the movie. This is the place where the key narrative twist in the movie happens. And because of that twist, things are different for the character in a real and significant way.
E stands for ending. This where it is learnt that the character we thought we knew have become someone else because of their journey.
Good movies are circles or spirals. They leave the audience back in the same place but changed in some way. Every overwhelming movie passes through this process.
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